1. Suppose you are a Monira living at Sonapur and you are a student of Nurpur High school and College. Your friend, Najma is a rural student living at Kaptai, Rangamati. He wants to know about the co-curricular activities of your college. Now write an email to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your college.


    2. Suppose you have been informed that your younger brother is not regular in talking physical exercise. Now write an email to him to be regular in physical exercise. Think you are Tamanna.


    3. Suppose you are Anis. Your email ID is anis2014@yahoo.com. You have a friend, Rafia. Her email Id is rafia2014@gmail.com. Now write an email to her thanking her for sending a nice present on your fifteenth birthday celebration.


    4. Imagine, you’re Rayon of Saddar road, Barisal and your friend named poll who lives at Boris Street, Sidney, Australia has wanted to know about Bangladesh and her people. Now write an email to tour friend about Bangladesh and her people.


    5. Suppose, you are Rasel. Your friend, Jahid wants to know about the prize giving ceremony of your college held last week. Now write an email to your friend describing the prize giving ceremony of your college.


    6. Suppose you are Ripa of Badurtala, Comilla and your friend Nipa lives in Chittagong. Recently she has won the President’s Award in an essay writing competition. Now write an email to Nipa congratulating her on her achievement.


    7. Suppose, some day ago, you visited your friend’s home. There you spent a very good time. So you want to thank your friend for their hospitality. Now write an email to your friend thanking him whose home you have visited recently.


    8. Suppose, your examination is knocking at the door. But you are not setting some of your important books at hand. You need to borrow them from one of your friends. So, write an email to your friend requesting him to lend you some books that you need for your examination


    9. Suppose, you have a pen-friend in Paris. He has a keen interest to know about the natural beauty of your country. Now, send an email to him telling about the natural beauty of Bangladesh.


    10. Write an e-mail to the railway booking clerk asking to reserve a seat for you.
