Suppose one of your friends is infected with COVID-19 and hospitalized. Now write an email to your friend showing sympathy.

    Before the answer here are some quick guidelines about how to write this E-mail.

    • Write a subject line
    • Use proper salutation
    • Inform your friend about your mental condition
    • Give a brief description of the disease
    • Tell your friend about do’s and don’t
    • Write a closing mark
    • Write your name

    To :
    Subject : Showing sympathy to being COVID-19 affected.
    Dear Meena

    I am deeply shocked at the news of your getting hospitalized being infected with COVID-19. You have already taken a wise decision being hospitalized. COVID-19 is an infectious disease and the virus can be transmit from person to person. So it is urgent to follow health rules like wearing mask, maintaining social distance, washing hand and staying away from the infected person.

    Since there is no vaccines for COVID-19 as yet, preventive measure should be taken. No visitor except the doctor and the nurses are allowed to visit you. Don’t worry. you should follow the advice of doctor properly and have to take medicine as prescribed.


    Finally don’t loss your heart and be confident that you will recover soon. I always stand beside you in time of your need. hope you’ll come round soon and return home.

    Your ever

